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We Celebrate Campaign: Easterseals 100th Anniversary

Opening the year with the “We Celebrate” campaign, we chose to focus on both our most celebrated moments and the significance of the number 100. This theme of 100 was carried across each element of the campaign, from flyers to billboards.

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Who are you? - A unique challenge

Who are you? - A unique challenge

Easterseals faces a unique challenge in that despite its longevity, most of the public has trouble identifying exactly what Easterseals does. Because of this, billboards were placed in target locations throughout the state of New Jersey, highly trafficked by donors, participants, and staff. Our goal was to create a word-of-mouth buzz around the close-knit community and encourage awareness amongst our neighbors. Those who saw the campaign had a newfound sense of pride in an organization willing to represent itself so boldly.

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Campaign insights

Campaign insights

Ad placements headlined the importance of inclusion, specifically to those in relative power. We chose to ‘call out’ our fellow business leaders and ask them “Are you planning for a more inclusive New Jersey?”

The idea of inclusivity for all, not just those with disabilities and special needs is more than ‘trending’ in 2019. Therefore, we sought to capitalize on this issue that we’ve been working for 100 years to overcome.

Multiple channels and mediums

Multiple channels and mediums

A large part of the campaign was designed to foster both awareness and engagement through empathy. Easterseals staff lead “Exercises in Empathy,” interactive sensory activities related to disability. Promotional items were created as giveaways, a reward for participating in these activities. Both pins and stickers displayed the campaign slogans, each carefully picked to relate to one of the many populations the organization impacts: persons with disabilities, those who care for them, disability advocates, and the general public.

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