Simulated Campaign Goal:

Taco Bell Mock Campaign & Case Study

This mock campaign was created as a way to provide a visual representation of a simulated case study. The objective was to create a neat and professional one-sheeter that expressed the overarching insights and highlights of said mock campaign. Expanding on these insights to tell a story and provide cognizance for future initiatives, my goal was to not only represent the data well, but also create a fully digital and social media geared campaign that exemplified the strength of not only my design skills, but also ability to write copy, produce content, and further develop my strong strategic thinking.

Simulated Campaign Goal:

Simulated Campaign Goal:

Increase general drive & traffic to new delivery service on Taco Bell’s website through a targeted digital campaign. Emphasizing Taco Bell’s delivery partners & promote overall sales of fundamental menu items using the following metrics as a baseline for demographics and ROI.

• Target: Adults 25-54

• Multi-screen campaign (desktop, tablet, mobile)

• 1.5MM total video views

• 92% completion rate

• 48,000 engagements (clicks to Taco Bell’s site, Facebook page, Twitter, etc.)

Simulated Solution:

Simulated Solution:

Mock Campaign Creation & Execution Plan

Taco Toss, a digital campaign furthered by the hashtag #TACOTOSS piggybacked off both current sporting events and Taco Bell’s uniquely historic content strategy that relies heavily on influencer marketing. Known for interacting with brands that don't directly correlate with Taco Bell, but already have an established fan base of their own, this viral marketing strategy uses the existing fans of other niches and converts them to consumers of Taco Bell’s products.

The Taco Toss campaign began after quickly taking note of the viral video clips of Super Bowl winner Tom Brady, tossing the Lombardi trophy to his teammate whilst celebrating his seventh Superbowl win. Taco Bell promptly replied to Sporting News’ Twitter report of Brady, and their 225.4K followers with a witty Tweet that set the tone for the campaign.

Taco Bell_Taco Toss Twitter Reply.jpg
Social Media Blitz

Social Media Blitz

Following was a series of social posts that played off of the “tossing” action, encouraging consumers to follow through a short composite video of funny and playful clips of people tossing tacos to a friend and/or consumer in order for them to enjoy the beloved Taco Bell meal.

Taco Bell also blitzed social channels with “meme” style posts that further enhance the viral topic - boosting shares, likes, mentions, and overall chat about the good-humored play on current social media news.

Taco toss_Instagram post.jpg
The Call to Action

The Call to Action

Succeeding the end of the composed #tacotoss video, the target viewers (adults 25-54) were encouraged to either take part in the #tacotoss fun by tagging Taco Bell - pushing engagement on their Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram platforms. Or, they were prompted with a call to action to Swipe Up, or click a link to find delivery options for Taco Bell’s ordering services, driving viewers to the Taco Bell website.

Project Outcome

Project Outcome

Overall, this mock campaign represents the ability for brands to personify their voice and use it to the advantage of their content strategy. Using Taco Bell as an example, it was easy to create playful and witty mock dialog for their social channels. In addition, it allowed me to explore the possibility of creating a quick turnaround campaign that was strictly digital - forcing my strategy driven mind to think fast, as if I were on the swift thinking media team behind Taco Bell.

In addition, the case study one-sheeter was a great visual representation of the campaign highlights, organized in a way that pulled important data to the surface making it easily digestible for any stakeholder to review.